Meet our therapists
Profysio & Health Center, is a collaboration of expert therapists and professionals to help you receive the best possible care in the field of Physiotherapy and related matters. Would you like to make an appointment or do you have questions about a specific therapist or therapy? Please feel free to contact us or fill out the form below and we will call you back.

Rob Krikke
Ortho Manual Therapist
- Physiotherapy
- Ortho Manual Therapy
- Dry needling
- Electrotherapy
- Kinesiology
- Neuro- en Ortho rehabilitation

Robbin de Gee
Cardiovascuar Pulmonary Physiotherapist
- Physiotherapy
- Specialization in chronic conditions;
heart, vascular, lung therapy - COVID-19 rehabilitation
- Sports rehabilitation
- Orthopaedic rehabilitation
- Clinical Health Scientist

Marte Sofie Venema
Psychosomatic Physiotherapist
- Physiotherapy
- Psychosomatic symptoms
- Lymfe Drainaige/ Edema therapY
- Basic Body Awareness
- Stress related conditions and burn-out

Maria Dolores Curiel
Bekken Fysiotherapeut
- Algemene fysiotherapie
- Bekkenfysiotherapie
- Bekkenbodem cursus

Nicoline Smetsers
Clinic Manager
- Coordination therapy programs
- Planning, Reception and Administration
- Gym Circuit Training
- Facility management

Tessa van de Lisdonk
Personal Trainer
- Personal Training
- Group training Fit & Flexible
- Style Coaching
- Nutritional Advice

Stella Zerbo
Counselor - Coach
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Solution-Focused Therapy
- EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy)
- Relationship issues
- Business coaching
- Therapy programs